вівторок, 29 квітня 2014 р.

4 Rules that will Help overcome the Language Barrier

Following these four simple rules you may easily mastering any foreign language without troubles. 

#1 Overcome internal fears and unnecessary diffidence.

#2 Pick a simple verbal constructions and phrases and use them.

#3 Training and exercises – the keys to success.

#4 Learn to listen and to learn.


середа, 23 квітня 2014 р.


TutorZ Donates to Childhood Cancer Research

Port Hueneme, California, April 22nd, 2014 – TutorZ.com, a leading nationwide tutoring service, today announced a donation of an undisclosed monetary amount to the St. Baldrick’s Childhood Cancer Foundation.

Childhood cancer is a serious and largely overlooked decease. More children are lost to cancer in the U.S. than any other disease—in fact, more than many other childhood diseases combined. If born today, about 1 in 300 boys and 1 in 333 girls will have cancer. Because these facts are shocking TutorZ wants to make a difference by supporting the St. Baldrick’s foundation and pave a better future for our children.


вівторок, 15 квітня 2014 р.

I’m 27. I do not think about the past and do not regret it too much. But sometimes I would like to have learned a little more of other things. Things I have learned over the past years. It would be great to have self-development lessons in courses at school..

But I still think it would be nice to highlight a few hours of all these activities on some German lessons in self-development. Perhaps only one hour a week in high school. This could be useful for many students and on a larger scale for our whole society.

So here are 10 things that I would have liked to learn more about in school (or just known about).

1) Rule 80-20 or the Pareto principle.

80 % of all income received bring only 20% of your activities. From this we can conclude that much of what we do doesn’t really bear income and therefore is not necessary. So many things you do,might not so useful, or even not as important as it might have seemed to be.

You can just throw engaged – or severely cut back on the time you spend on a huge variety of activities. And if you do, you will have more time and energy on what really brings results, happiness, satisfaction, and so on.

середа, 9 квітня 2014 р.

5 more Math tricks to Amaze your tutor

Numeracy in the mind – it’s not a talent, and not a gift. It is simply knowledge of some mathematical tricks. Now you will have additional knowledge that will help you use your mental abilities a bit more efficiently.

5 more Math tricks to Amaze your tutor

Trick #1 Tip counting.
If you need to leave a 15% tip, there is a simple way to do it. Calculate 10% (divide by 10), and then add the resulting number to its half and get the answer:
15%  оf  $25 = (10% оf 25) + ((10% оf 25) / 2)
$2.50 + $1.25 = $3.75

понеділок, 7 квітня 2014 р.

Stanford the University, the Town, The Tourist site?

Why write about Stanford, California. I was thinking of places I’ve never been in California and Stanford went through my mind, and I decided to take a look at the city of Stanford, not the University of Stanford. Well, as it turns out there is no city of Stanford; rather it is an unincorporated area of Santa Clara County adjacent to the city of Palo Alto. Stanford has its own post office and two zip codes, one for buildings on campus and another for post office boxes. It even has its own shopping center and medical center along with a very nice residential neighborhood.

четвер, 3 квітня 2014 р.

Good teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers.

-Good teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers. – Josef Albers

This quote is about importance of critical thinking. It would be better, if tutors not only ask students for the right answer, but give them the right question, which will open their way to get the answers.

Critical thinking is just not being developed, because tutors always supply student with “right” theory and answers. Nothing logical, nothing to analyze, nothing to think hard of and train student’s brain.

вівторок, 1 квітня 2014 р.

2014 April 1st Fool`s Day Pranks

April 1st 2014 is April Fool’s day. If your friend ask for your help with harvesting picking freshly-grown spaghetti from his yard be weary … and perhaps smile. Read on to find more famous pranks and our announcement that an medieval capital was found in the sea.

April 1st Fool’s day is celebrated differently around the world. In the UK pranksters shout “April fool!” at the recipient, who becomes the “April fool”.
In France and French-speaking Canada people love to attach a paper fish to the victim’s back without being noticed. This is called poisson d’avril or “April’s fish”.
On April 1st we Americans often hear incredible stories in the news media. For example on April 1st, 2004 Burger King announced a new item on their menu: the “Left-Handed Wopper”. It had “all condiments rotated by 180 degrees”.
