вівторок, 21 січня 2014 р.

Tampa, Florida stands for Phosphates, Tobacco, Sunshine and Education

The city of Tampa, Florida is much more than many people associate with: sunshine, tobacco and hurricanes. Tampa also means phosphate industries, cigar-makers, film, guava fruits and many educational facilities anchored in the fascinating history of Florida.
The modern history of Tampa starts with the Spanish explorer Narváez who landed near present-day Tampa. But the expedition was ill-fated and had to be rescued by the Hernando de Soto party. Ruled by Spain for the most part, the United States purchased Florida from Spain in 1821 in order to eliminate the southern refuge for renegade slaves. In the 1880′s, Tampa became boom town when phosphate was discovered in the Bone Valley Tampa region. Today Tampa’s port still ships millions of tons of phosphate annually; the term “phosphate capital of the world” was coined.

Read more herehttp://www.tutorz.com/blog/2014/01/tampa-stands-for-phosphates-tobacco-education/

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